Accommodating provisions change certain provisions and the content of Marriage law, and it takes the forms of autonomous regulations or separate regulations. 变通是针对《婚姻法》某些条文和内容的变更,其所采取的形式是自治条例或单行条例。
The current marriage law in China only takes living apart as one of the legal reasons to make divorce sentence and there is no related regulations about the separation system. 我国现行的婚姻法只将分居作为判决离婚的法定理由之一,对别居制度的内容没有相关的规定。
In order to instruct people to conclude and to get accord with socialist marriage system, and to standardize people's court to try engagement dispute case, the marriage law of our country should express regulations of the system of engagement. 为指导人们订立符合社会主义婚姻制度理念的婚约,规范人民法院审判婚约纠纷案件,我国婚姻法应明文规定婚约制度。
This paper provides an idea of perfecting regulations about nullity of marriage on condition of analyzing newly amended marriage law, the reason f nullity, and a comparison of regulations about at various nations. 本文通过对无效婚姻原因的分析和各国无效婚姻制度的比较,结合修改后的《婚姻法》关于无效婚姻的规定,提出了进一步完善该制度的构想。
In "New Marriage Law" of China, the regulations of unblamable party that he has an claim for damages benefit to punish bigamy, family violence and defend family's developing health and stability. 新婚姻法中规定的关于离婚中无过错方的损害赔偿请求权的制度有利于制裁重婚与家庭暴力等,维护婚姻家庭的健康和稳定。
However, the Marriage Law of PRC only specify principles of the rules and regulations on common debt in the marriage relation, broad, lack of systematicness and completeness. 然而我国的婚姻法对夫妻共同债务的规范过于原则,有欠系统和完备。
First, the marriage institution stepped into intensive adjustment. Several marriage laws and regulations have issued. 首先,婚姻制度进入密集调整期,多项婚姻法律法规先后修订出台。
The marriage thoughts is one important part of the Christian theology, law and religious regulations. 婚姻思想是基督教神学、法律和宗教法规的重要组成部分之一。
And identified as the marriage was set up in our existing legal system as there is no ready-made judgments based on laws and regulations. 而认定为婚姻成立,在我国现有的法律制度中又没有现成的法规作为判决依据。
Provides a legal form of ownership of matrimonial property system is widely used by the mainstream system of the world, usually in the Civil Code or a marriage in all countries have regulations. 以法律形式规定夫妻财产所有权制度是世界普遍采用的主流制度,通常在各国的民法典或者婚姻法中有所规定。我国法定夫妻财产制反映在《婚姻法》及相关司法解释中。
But the two Marriage Laws and Marriage Registration Management Regulations only norm "marriage" and "divorce". Marriage, not the "Marriage contract". 但前后两部婚姻法以及《婚姻登记管理条例》都只对结婚、离婚等婚姻关系问题进行了规范,而对婚约却没有明文规定。
After new China was founded, China has enacted the Marriage Law and two Amendments of the Marriage Law of 2001 based on the considerations of the principle of safeguarding the freedom of marriage and rejecting the feudal tradition which has no expressly regulations for betrothal. 新中国成立后,我国先后颁行的两部婚姻法及2001年的婚姻法修正案出于对婚姻自由原则的维护以及摒弃封建传统的考虑,都没有对婚约进行明文规定。